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Trade-offs to grow the economy? Your thoughts?

Updated: Jun 9, 2020

With the high unemployment rate worldwide the associated burdens, frustrations and abject poverty continue to rise. If not resolved the situation will be more extreme in the months to follow.

No one is immune from this hardship. Our silence or choosing not to be part of the solution will be felt by ALL, from both a financial perspective and a safety perspective. The ability to earn some money daily helps suppress hunger and the associated tension. Covid-19 dynamics increased the pain and suffering exponentially. If we continue to fail our people, social unrest is likely.

In my drive to spread, love, light, happiness, and Freedom, I am always looking at ways to lessen the burden by supporting, creating, generating, and sharing opportunities so people can earn an income.

I care about learning and unleashing potential. In April and May, I used my legal, finance, humanity, and a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner hats to understand and extract thoughts, emotions and information to mobilise positive Change. I offered my skills for free and engaged with over 300 people. I listened, supported, and mobilised individuals and organisations to acknowledge:

  • that we have more power and control over our lives than we care to admit

  • the importance of transitioning from an anxious/fearful state into a fearless/courageous state of mind

  • the need to build multiple income streams across DIVERSE sectors

  • reliance on a single employer income source, contrary to the belief of many, is not a risk mitigation strategy

  • and the importance of supporting others, by building their skills, resourcefulness, and resilience

Some of my findings during this period:

73% of the individuals/organisations I supported did not set aside sufficient cash reserves to see them through challenging periods. The financial strain exacerbated their levels of anxiety and stress. This reinforced the importance for both individuals and businesses to adopt the budgeting rules which drives the pay yourself first principle. This cohort conceded to the advantages of adopting a savings and investing mentality and the importance of automating savings.

27% of the individuals/organisations had at least 4 months of cash reserves to cover their monthly expenses. This group transitioned easier from the state of anxiety to the what next scenario? After a few conversations, they were more positive and committed to taking control of their financial outcome. This was also prevalent in their thinking, energy, and actions. I believe that their cash reserves fast-tracked their positive mindset and their agility to pivot their businesses to generate income. Further confirmation that money is a critical enabler in all aspects of life.

Some additional observations:

A large proportion used debt to fund consumables.

More than 50% of the people were in the process of either losing their employment or because of the lockdown were not generating income.

This reinforces the current assumption that the unemployment rate in South Africa is likely to reach the rate of 50% by year-end.

In a contracting economy like South Africa,

  • the financial burden on the state increases

  • re-employment is highly unlikely

  • business profitability is likely to reduce

  • people are pessimistic, frustrated and emotionally volatile

  • the trust level is low

The future is bleak in the eyes of many. COVID-19 heightened the inequality and extreme levels of poverty. Those of us who can need to mobilise positive Change. We can start by sharing ideas and supporting individuals so they can generate some income.

Over a week ago, I shared my frustrations, findings and learnings, the confidentiality of my cohorts were maintained and respected in this process, with two of my mentors and one of my impact partners, Social-tv.

My conversation with the founder of Social-tv, Samm Marshall led to the birth of I am not crazy about the name. I am energised by the possibilities and the solutions, it can drive.

If you have an idea, equipment or resource that can benefit more people, list it and detail how you would like to collaborate or trade. With self-belief, sharing and collaborating a lot more is achievable and possible. We NEED to re-ignite, re-imagine and re-boot the economy.

This initiative does not require your money but skills and/or money-making resources and equipment. brokers opportunities to fast-track growth and ADVANCE my agenda that no one should go hungry. We can eradicate hunger in our country by:

  • supporting South African businesses

  • buying South African brands

  • manufacturing locally

  • use CSI spend to drive long-term development and sustainability

  • reaching out to people outside of our comfort zones or networks does not support the exchange of money or the sale of goods. It brokers trade-offs, ideas, and collaborations. Please engage respectfully, with the intent to grow and do good.

Stay safe, well and happy. Keep practising the necessary precautions so we can defeat COVID-19.

I am sending you all love, light, happy and healing energy!

Thank you for stopping by:

I wish you love, light, happiness and Freedom

Charmaine Soobramoney

I Am the Change and Free - Founder

Each One Hold One (Eoho) - Co-founder

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