2020 has been a year like no other. The loss of lives, finances, freedom of movement, and jobs are unparalleled. These losses impacted the emotional well-being of many. Some bounced back. Others are still on the journey of rediscovery and hope.
Recently my energy and levels of motivation were lower than I am accustomed to. I acknowledged the need to recharge. So on the 2nd of April 2021, I switched off my phone. I had no interaction with the outside world. I did more of the things that fuel my soul and in the doing, I increased my levels of awareness, peace, and motivation. This in turn improved the quality of my sleep. Scientific and empirical evidence supports the positive correlation between peace of mind and good quality sleep.
Today I feel energised. Better than I ever felt in the last year.
Through this process I asked myself two questions:
Question 1 - What keeps me up at night?
Question 2- Am I on track in managing the issues that deeply concern me?
In response to what keeps me up at night? The rest and solitude contributed to my heightened awareness and I wrote these up within a few minutes.
1) The continued rise in unemployment in South Africa
2) The contraction of the economy
3) The increase in the number of people unable to buy food.
4) The continued rise in debt and the inability of people across LSMs to service their debt.
5) The state of Gender-based violence (GBV) and child abuse across the world
6) The low number of servant, courageous and accountable leaders
7) The vaccination rollout and the ineffectiveness thereof
8) The Mental health crisis. Millions of people are suffering from depression and anxiety.
9) The number of people whose self-worth, well-being and happiness are connected to external factors
10) The abuse of dark-skinned foreigners, living in South Africa.
11) The low levels of savings
12) The poor quality of education in some public schools
13) The level of suffering and frustration of our people is a ticking time bomb.
14) The closure or imminent closure of some theatres, museums, and heritage sites
I decided to stop listing more concerns. As at this point, a sense of hopelessness started to creep in.
In assessing my effectiveness, I chose to reflect on the past 30 days. I was surprised by the ease with which I recalled some of the interventions.
Am I on track in managing the issues that deeply concern me, question 2, yielded the following response:
1) I championed the composition and production of a song to achieve multiple objectives:
Firstly, to unify and uplift the spirits of our people. Music heals and energises.
Secondly, to create awareness on the need to buy and support locally manufactured products and local artists and creatives.
Thirdly, further emphasizing how individual actions can contribute to growing the economy and creating and saving jobs in the process.
Business and Arts South Africa (BASA) are currently working on producing this song. I am looking forward to introducing you to it soon.
2) At Business and Arts South Africa (BASA), we listened to the needs and challenges of the creative sector and launched - Assembly.
3) As Chairman of Business and Arts South Africa (BASA) we introduced the Chairman’s fund. This year you can support me by contributing as little as R 20 towards supporting artists and creatives in South Africa.
4) I expressed my dissatisfaction with the way our President leads and how his indecisiveness, lack of accountability and consequence management was contributing to a failed state. I was surprised by the supportive response I received from across the globe. The fact is effective leaders must sacrifice their own needs. As when we focus on our own preservation, our own safety, our own survival we immediately become constrained and ineffective.
5) Each One Hold One (NPC) hosted an international Gender-based violence (GBV) awareness conference.
I am thankful to our speakers who lent their voices and graciously gave their time, energy, and insights. Tim Modise, Adv. Andrea Johnson, Kubi Rama, Florida DeVaul-Dudley, Germaine Gaspard, and Dr Vasudev, I am grateful, thank you!
6) At Each One Hold One we introduced a programme to mentor entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in the making. The fact is SMEs can reboot and grow our economy. Failure to prioritise mentorship and support to this sector will exacerbate the levels of unemployment, inequality, and poverty.
According to the statistical records, South Africans are not savers and the absence of peace in the lives of many are because of financial woes. If you want to become money savvy and in the process become debt-free and further understand how to build multiple income streams then reach out via connect@eoho.info or IAmTheChangeAndFree@gmail.com EOHO has a Financial Freedom Programme. Through this programme, we share the tools, skills, knowledge, attitude, and discipline required to achieve this status.
When I coined the phrase “I am the Change and Free” the intention was to ignite the fire from within of every person I engage with, so they take charge of their future. Often people wait on others or external forces to activate positive outcomes in their lives and in the wait run the risk of not living up to their full potential and purpose.
Right now, we need all the talent and people to pull South Africa into a better future as there are so many challenges to work through.
I am going to leave you to ponder on Rumi’s words:
“Remember love is the bridge between you and everything”.
Thank you for stopping by!
I wish you love, light, happiness, and Freedom
Charmaine Soobramoney
I Am the Change and Free – Founder www.charmainesoobramoney.com
Each One Hold One (EOHO) - Co-founder www.eoho.info
#womenhelpingwomen#WomenInBusiness#Activists#Bizart_za#reflections #resilience #personalgrowth#WeTheWilling